Good info on investments, rentals, insurance, and other money matters.
CNN Financial Network
News and information on the markets, managing personal finances andbusiness. Supports an interactive forum to respond to the topic ofthe day.
GRANT'S Interest RateObserver
Obtain information about the Grant's Interest Rate Observer, amagazine which takes an academic and practical look at the impact ofinterest rates on financial markets.
Hoover's Online
Hoovers offers a corporate directory of public,private/not-for-profit and international companies. Other featuresinclude a business books bestsellers list and a "Who's on Top,"ranking CEO pay and more.
IBC Financial Data,Inc.
IBC Financial Data concentrates on money and bond mutual fund data.They track 2400 funds and provide news and commentary on thesemarkets.
Morningstar MutualFunds
Morningstar, Inc. 225 Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 312-696-6000,800-876-5005 Many libraries subscribe to this service, whichresearches specific mutual funds.
Mutual Funds OnLine
The online version of Mutual Fund Magazine Online offers fund data,as well editorial on popular investment strategies, and generalmutual fund investing.
The SEC's EDGARDatabase of Corporate Information
EDGAR, the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system,performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, andforwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required bylaw to file forms with the SEC.
U.S. Securities andExchange Commission
Contains current news from the SEC, information about investoreducation and assistance and provides a link to the EDGAR Database ofCorporate Information.
USA Today
The USA TODAY "Money" section looks at the latest national andinternational news. Also provided are daily mutual funds performancesand a guide to personal wealth.
Wall Street Journal
Money & Investments is an intraday update to the printed WallStreet Journal. Registration is required and is fee-based, aftera free trial period.
American Associationof Retired Persons
601 E Street, NW
Washington, DC
20049 202-432-2277, 800 424-3410 (Membership line)
Offers educational programs and free booklets on money-managementissues.
Senate SpecialCommittee on Aging
G-31 Senate Dirksen Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Answers questions about aging and provides free publications.
American Associationof Individual Investors
625 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60611
Provides general financial planning information, non-biasedinvestment education, and publications for members.
Stuff loaded 2001
Directory of Savingand Investment Education Programs and Resources
The Commission on Saving and Investment in America invites you totake a first step toward a better financial future by using itsdirectory of more than 180 programs and publications. TheDirectory of Saving and Investment Education Programs andResources contains information for adults, families, and evenchildren. Through the listings provided, you can obtain books,pamphlets, magazines, newsletters, videos, software, or even contactdifferent associations and educational organizations. For a freecopy, write to the O'Bannon Company/CSIA, 1455 Pennsylvania Ave., NW,Suite 225, Washington, D.C. 20004.
The Neatest LittleGuide to Mutual Fund Investing
By Jason Kelly
Covers many questions on mutual fund investing that the novice mightask: How mutual funds work? When to invest for growth or for income?How to determine a fund's risks and rewards? When to buy, sell, orhold? This 131-page paperback from Plume is available from localbookstores for $10.95.
Creating Your OwnFuture: A Woman's Guide To Retirement Planning
By Judith A. Martindale and Mary J. Moses
From Sourcebooks Trade. This book covers Social Security, currentassets, insurance options, pension plans, health insurance andspousal benefits. It offers a step-by-step plan and actions tofollow.
Get a FinancialLife
By Beth Kobliner (Fireside)
This book is a financial guide for investors aged 18-30 years.
Making the Most ofYour Money: A Comprehensive Guide to Financial Planning
By Jane Bryant Quinn (Simon & Schuster)
This book is a wide-ranging guide to general personal finance.
The Only InvestmentGuide You'll Ever Need
By Andrew Tobias (Harcourt Brace)
This book is a practical guide to personal finance with a sense ofhumor.
Your RetirementBenefits
Today's trend is toward early retirement, but people are livinglonger too, so you need a solid well-organized plan to get youthrough some 20 years of retirement. Your Retirement Benefitsfocuses on retirement plans and tries to help you deal with thepractical issues concerning your retirement plan. This 254-page bookcovers the basics of retirement plans and benefits statements, thendevotes chapters to such topics as government retirement plans,401(k) plans, IRAs, tax-sheltered annuities, employee stock ownershipplans, Keoghs, and simplified employee pensions. It also coversdetails on getting your money out of such plans, such as a lump-sumdistribution method. To order this $10.95 book (plus $5 for shippingand handling), which is part of the Personal Wealth Building Guidesseries, call the Institute of Certified Financial Planners' consumerline at 800-282-PLAN.
The Complete Idiot'sGuide to 401(k) Plans
By Wayne G. Bogosian and Dee Lee
Offers quick and easy ways to get the most out of your company's401(k) plan, along with idiot-proof steps for lifelong financialplanning and advice on safeguarding your investments. The 346-pagesoftcover includes a glossary and worksheets. Check with a localbookstore for this Alpha Book publication, selling for $17.95.
Escaping the ComingRetirement Crisis
By R. Theodore Benna and William Proctor
Focuses on how you might secure your financial future. The authors ofthis 198-page hardcover consider how to build a financial strategyfor the long term, the principles of achieving high returns, and howto protect your retirement rights. This 1995 title is designed tohelp you do your own retirement planning and is available from localbookstores for $24.
Green, PersonalFinance for the Unashamed
An upbeat quarterly magazine that strives to explain variousfinancial topics, such as saving and investing, to the uninitiated.Published by Stella Media, a one-year subscription to the magazine is$10. Write to: 245 Eighth Avenue, Suite 286, New York, N.Y. 10011.
Retirement Letter
Phillips Publishing International
7811 Montrose Road
Potomac, MD 20854
301-340-2100, 800-722-9000
A personal finance newsletter for people over 40 years old.
Fidelity Insight andFundsnet Insight
These two monthly publications, available by subscription, helpFidelity fund investors more effectively manage their 401k assets.For rates and a free sample, which vary from $139 to $99, call800-444-6342 or write to Mutual Fund Investors Association, P.O. Box9135, Wellesley Hills, MA 02181-9135.
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Last Updated on 2/7/1
By the Web Bastard